Meet the Team

Hello! My name is Chris Kaminsky!
In 2023 I sort of became an accidental entrepreneur when the idea of going back to a cubicle job sounded horrible. I was going to interviews looking for my next job and nothing seemed to fit what I wanted to do. So I turned off all my Indeed job notifications and said "you know what? I'm going to do this myself!" Without knowing exactly what that something is!
My background is engineering and education and I LOOOOVE making things! I first got interested in 3D printing in 2015 and its been an amazing hobby! I print so many useful AND useless things that bring me joy! I ALSO have 2 laser cutters/engravers that are a fun and quick way to bring projects to life.
My best friend and wife, Amber, was in 100% support of me being a Stay At Home Entrepreneur! LOL. She knows no job description can box me in! I run my business but she is right behind me keeping me on task, helping me with anything data, or packing online orders!
We have been together since 2003 (high school sweethearts) and we're still not sick of one another yet!